.... the sometimes seemingly senseless ramblings of a committed Christian with too much time on his hands.......

Saturday, February 5, 2011

99 & 44/100% pure....

I remember as a child watching the commercials on TV for Ivory Soap, and the claims by the company that their soap was 99 & 44/100% pure. I remember thinking that the soap was about as close to perfect as one could get. It was amazing to think that there was less than 1% of that product that was not pure. I used to wonder what the difference would be if the manufacturers managed to increase the purity of the product to hit 100%. How much better could the product possibly be if it went from 99 & 44/100% to 100% pure?

I find it hard to think of things that I can say are 100% pure. Even gold is reported to be 99.9% fine or pure. Something that is 100% pure must be completely made up of only one thing. In trying to think of an example of such a thing, I was repeatedly drawn to the image of God's love. That love is very definitely 100% pure. It has no artificial colours or preservatives. It needs no perfumes or ingredients to keep it together. And that love is available to us simply by our asking, without conditions or restrictions. It is indeed 100% pure.

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